Blended green smoothies are a simple and delicious way of accessing the healing properties of greens.
Greens provide protein in the form of individual amino acids. These amino acids are easier for the body to utilise than complex proteins. A variety of greens can supply all the protein we need to sustain each of our unique bodies.
One litre of green smoothie contains approximately twelve to eighteen grams of fibre, depending on the water content and the type of fruit used.
Greens are a major source of chlorophyll; it is difficult to find a better way of consuming chlorophyll than drinking green smoothies. With the high oxygen content in chlorophyll and the high mineral content in green plants, greens are the most alkalising food that exists on our planet. By including green smoothies in our diet, we can keep our bodies alkaline and healthy.
To maintain a good alkaline pH balance in the body consuming large quantities of dark leafy greens, approximately one to two bunches a day is an easy way to achieve this.
In preparation for the Greens Cleanse – Try and Green Smoothie for breakfast every day:
Replace your usual breakfast with a green juice or smoothie. On an empty stomach, the juice makes its way through to the intestines in minutes. While you will give your digestive system a break from the hard work of digesting solid food in the morning, you will also infuse your body with a huge flush of vital nutrients and minerals. Your first meal of solid food should be lunch @ 12. This creates a mini juice fast of eighteen hours or more each day, from dinner until lunch the following day. Even though you do not consume solid food until lunch or later, you will not experience low blood sugar, hunger pangs, or any of the other symptoms one would expect from skipping a solid breakfast in favour of a low-calorie green smoothie. Make sure that every day rotate the greens you use to avoid a build up of alkaloids.
Some of out favourite Green Smoothie recipes:
Here are a few recipe ideas but green smoothies are fun to experiment with and the most important thing is that you enjoy them! Most recipes will make enough for 2 servings and can be stored in the fridge for 1-2 days in an airtight container. Blend all the ingredients together until smooth. By adding chopped fruit once it has been blended you can eat it with a spoon rather than drinking it and it seems more filling!!
Helena’s Basic Green Smoothie
- 1 banana
- 1 pear
- A large handful of fresh spinach
- Half small avocado
- A large handful of romaine lettuce
- 2 large slices of courgette
- 250 ml water
- 200ml of crushed ice
‘In a hurry’ Green Smoothie
- 1 cup Waitrose Frozen smoothie mix – spinach, kiwi, mango
- 1 cup Waitrose Frozen Spinach
- 150ml almond milk / coconut milk
Green Zing Smoothie
- 1 kiwi
- 1 cup pineapple cubes
- Juice from 1/2 a lemon
- 1 tsp grated fresh ginger
- A large handful of kale/ spinach
- 6 fresh basil leaves
- A handful of rocket
- 2 large slices of cucumber
- 250 ml water
- 200ml of crushed ice
- 1 tsp wheatgrass and spirulina
Creamy Green Smoothie
- 1/2 cup blueberries
- 1 banana and 2 dates
- A large handful of fresh spinach
- Half small avocado
- 1tbs almond butter/ almonds
- 1tbs pumpkin seeds
- 1tsp flax seeds
- 1tsp acai powder
- 150 ml almond milk/coconut milk
- 100ml cold water
- 200ml of crushed ice
Immunity Booster
- 2 cups of Organic Spinach
- 1 cup water or coconut water
- 2 orages
- 1 cup of pomegranate seeds
- 2 bananas
Tropical Smoothie
- 2 cups of coconut water
- 1 cup of pineapple
- 1 cup of organic kale
- 1 banana
- 1 cup of Pak choi or romaine lettuce
Easy Smoothie
- 1 avocado
- 1 banana
- 1 apple
- 2 sticks of celery
- 1 cup of spinach or pea shoots
- 1 to 2 cups of water depending how thick you want it.
You can also peel and freeze the bananas. Mix with coconut water and you will get a banana ice cream. You can do this with frozen berries too. The frozen mango is yummy.